Table of Birds


Shuhan Song


May 31, 2024


Birders love birds for their beautiful features, lovely behaviors, and melodious songs. However, there is more to birds than meets the eye. Birds are a diverse group of animals with a wide range of life history traits, habitats, and diets. Some birds are at risk of extinction due to habitat loss, climate change, and other human activities. This table of birds aims to provide a comprehensive overview of bird species around the world, including their life history traits, conservation status, bird call, breeding bird survey data, diet, habitat, range, and similar species.

Link to the final table

Read in data

# load packages 

Life history, IUCN, bird call, and breeding bird survey

  • Life history data

Life history data was collected from a life history database published in Ecology in 2015 by Myhrvold et al. The data contains about 30 life history traits such as body mass, body length, maturity days, longevity, and clutch sizes for 11,548 species of birds, mammals, and reptiles. The data was downloaded from Wiley archive.

  • IUCN Red List data

The IUCN’s Red List, short for the International Union for Conservation of Nature’s Red List, is one of the world’s most comprehensive assessments on global extinction risk status for animal, fungus, and plants. Species are ranked in seven categories: Least Concern, Near Threatened, Vulnerable, Endangered, Critically Endangered, Extinct in the Wild, and Extinct. The Red List helps us understand which species are at risk of extinction and what conservation actions are needed to prevent it. The IUCN data was downloaded from GBIF.

  • Bird call

Bird call data was collected from Xeno-canto, a website dedicated to sharing wildlife sounds from all over the world. The data was downloaded from GBIF. The data contains 730,958 occurrences of bird calls from 24,931 species around the world. While I only kept audio data, it also contains latitude and longitude of the observation, and the spectrogram of the sound recording.

To keep the data preparation part short, I migrated all the steps of reading, cleaning, exploring, and joining these data in prep_life_history_IUCN_bbs_birdcall.R. Here we simply read in the intermediate data, ready for use.

birds_life_history_IUCN_bbs_birdcall = read_csv(

Take a quick glimpse at the data:

Rows: 75
Columns: 16
$ iucn_red_list              <chr> "Least Concern", "Least Concern", "Least Co…
$ common_name                <chr> "Mute Swan", "Tufted Duck", "Gadwall", "Tun…
$ genus                      <chr> "Cygnus", "Aythya", "Anas", "Cygnus", "Pavo…
$ species                    <chr> "olor", "fuligula", "strepera", "columbianu…
$ scientific_name            <chr> "Cygnus olor", "Aythya fuligula", "Anas str…
$ birth_or_hatching_weight_g <dbl> 221.50, 34.10, 34.05, 181.25, 120.00, 81.80…
$ adult_body_mass_g          <dbl> 10230.00, 701.50, 850.00, 6350.00, 4093.75,…
$ litter_or_clutch_size_n    <dbl> 5.950000, 9.600000, 10.000000, 4.000000, 5.…
$ litters_or_clutches_per_y  <dbl> 1.00, 1.00, 1.00, 1.00, 1.00, 1.00, 2.00, 1…
$ fledging_age_d             <dbl> 135.00, 47.50, 49.50, 60.25, 14.00, 55.00, …
$ male_maturity_d            <dbl> 1095.00, 365.00, 240.00, 730.00, 730.25, 36…
$ female_maturity_d          <dbl> 1183.569, 365.000, 240.000, 1001.069, 730.0…
$ maximum_longevity_y        <dbl> 70.00000, 45.25000, 28.00000, 24.10000, 25.…
$ adult_svl_cm               <dbl> 142.50, 43.50, 52.00, 135.00, 95.00, 77.50,…
$ aou                        <chr> "01782", "01491", "01350", "01800", "03095"…
$ identifier                 <chr> "…

Note that column aou is the foreign key linking to the USGS breeding bird survey data we will cover below. Column identifier is the URL of bird call media.

USGS breeding bird survey data

USGS Breeding Bird Survey (BBS) project measures bird populations in North America each year. Data of more than 500 species was collected by citizen scientists in U.S., Canada, and Mexico by conducting bird counts along BBS routes throughout the continent.

Data cleaning and transformation steps were also done in prep_life_history_IUCN_bbs_birdcall.R. I summarized annual number of observations for each species to visualize how populations have been changed over time. I also filtered the year of observation to be after 2000 to avoid the situation where species had low number of observations because of incomplete sampling.

annual_num_observation = read_csv(here::here("data", "intermediate_data", "annual_num_observation.csv"))

# This plot shows what the data is about: annual number of observations by species
annual_num_observation |>
  filter(aou == "01320") |> # select a species to show: Mallard
  ggplot() +
  geom_line(aes(x = year, 
                y = num_observation)) +
  theme_bw() +
  labs(title = "Annual Number of Observations of Birds in North America",
       subtitle = "Example species: Mallard",
       x = "Year",
       y = "Number of Observations")

I plan to display the trend of annual number of observations in the final table using sparklines, an in cell trend line of a list of values. To do that, I prepared the number of observation data in a list by species.

# convert the annual number of observation to a list by aou to be used in the table
annual_num_observation_ls = annual_num_observation |>
  summarize(num_observation_trend = list(num_observation),
            .by = aou)

annual_num_observation_ls |> head()
# A tibble: 6 × 2
  aou   num_observation_trend
  <chr> <list>               
1 01320 <dbl [22]>           
2 01330 <dbl [22]>           
3 01340 <dbl [22]>           
4 01350 <dbl [22]>           
5 01360 <dbl [6]>            
6 01370 <dbl [22]>           


Diet data was download from R package {aviandietdb}. It contains prey data of 759 bird species, along with functions to help summarize data at different taxonomic levels. The complete process of creating the intermediate data of diet is also available in prep_life_history_IUCN_bbs_birdcall.R.

diet = read_csv(here::here("data", "intermediate_data", 'birds_diet_short.csv'))

# add emoji to each category
diet_emoji = diet |>
    emoji = case_when(
      diet == "mammal" ~ "🐀",
      diet == "amphibian" ~ "🐸",
      diet == "bird" ~ "🐦",
      diet == "reptile" ~ "🦎",
      diet == "fish" ~ "🐟",
      diet == "crustacean" ~ "🦀",
      diet == "spider" ~ "🕷",
      diet == "insect" ~ "🪲",
      diet == "plant" ~ "🌿",
      diet == "snail" ~ "🐌",
      diet == "cyanobacteria" ~ "🦠",
      diet == "worm" ~ "🪱",
      diet == "centipede" ~ "🐛",
      diet == "millipede" ~ "🐛",
      diet == "conifer" ~ "🌲",
      diet == "moss" ~ "🌿",
      diet == "fern" ~ "🌿",
      diet == "scallop" ~ "🐚"

Rows: 168
Columns: 3
$ common_name <chr> "Pink-footed Goose", "Greater White-fronted Goose", "Garga…
$ diet        <chr> "plant", "plant", "plant", "snail", "plant", "cyanobacteri…
$ emoji       <chr> "🌿", "🌿", "🌿", "🐌", "🌿", "🦠", "🪲", "🕷", "🌿", "🪲",…

Habitat, photos, and similar species

Birds habitat data was collected manually from Animal Biodiversity Web and All About Birds because it was really difficult to find a data source that closely meets my needs. I also manually selected representative and appealing images of the birds and their similar species. Appealing bird photos and external links to similar species are collected from iNaturalist and All About Birds.

# Bird image, similar species and habitat 
birds_sheets = excel_sheets(here("data", "birds.xlsx"))
my_birds = lapply(birds_sheets, function(x){
  read_excel(here("data", "birds.xlsx"), sheet = x) |>
}) |>

# bird_manual table in my_birds contains birds common name, genus, species along with url to birds images, similar species images, and similar species information
Rows: 75
Columns: 7
$ common_name           <chr> "Mute Swan", "Tufted Duck", "Gadwall", "Tundra S…
$ genus                 <chr> "Cygnus", "Aythya", "Anas", "Cygnus", "Pavo", "C…
$ species               <chr> "olor", "fuligula", "strepera", "columbianus", "…
$ image                 <chr> "…
$ similar_species       <chr> "Tundra Swan", "Greater Scaup", "Green-winged Te…
$ similar_species_image <chr> "…
$ similar_species_link  <chr> "…
# Habitat data with emoji
habitat_emoji = my_birds$habitat |>
               values_to = "habitat",
               values_drop_na = TRUE) |>
  select(-name) |>
  select(-genus, -species) |>
  # full list of emoji:
  # Use emoji habitat data 
  mutate(emoji = case_when(
    habitat == "desert" ~ "🏜",
    habitat == "agricultural" ~ "🌾",
    habitat == "forest" ~ "🌲",
    habitat == "grassland" ~ "🌿",
    habitat == "coastal" ~  "🏖",
    habitat == "urban" ~ "🏙",
    habitat == "suburban" ~ "🏙",
    habitat == "lakes and ponds" ~ "🌊",
    habitat == "rivers and streams" ~ "🌊",
    habitat == "marsh" ~ "🌊",
    habitat == "estuarine" ~ "🌊",
    habitat == "tundra" ~ "🏔",
    habitat == "taiga" ~ "🌲",
    habitat == "rainforest" ~ "🌳",
    habitat == "mountains" ~ "⛰",
    habitat == "brackish water" ~ "🌊",
    habitat == "riparian" ~ "🌊",
    habitat == "swamp" ~ "🌊",
    habitat == "scrub forest" ~ "🌳",
    habitat == "chaparral" ~ "🌲"
  )) |>
  # for better display in gt table, shorten the two phrases
  mutate(habitat = case_when(
    habitat == "lakes and ponds" ~ "lakes",
    habitat == "rivers and streams" ~ "rivers",
    TRUE ~ habitat))  |>
  filter(habitat != "brackish water")

Rows: 313
Columns: 3
$ common_name <chr> "Mute Swan", "Mute Swan", "Mute Swan", "Mute Swan", "Tufte…
$ habitat     <chr> "lakes", "rivers", "marsh", "coastal", "lakes", "rivers", …
$ emoji       <chr> "🌊", "🌊", "🌊", "🏖", "🌊", "🌊", "🌊", "🌊", "🌿", "🏖", …

Range data

Range data with 9km resolution was downloaded for birds in table birds_life_history_IUCN_bbs_birdcall from eBird using the R package {ebirdst}. Column species_code is the key to connect range data to the main table. There are 14 species missing range data. The basemap is created using country polygon data from Natural Earth R package {rnaturalearth}.

# eBird Data of Species Range 
# download range spacial data from eBird, using the {ebirdst} package
# load the package and set up access key
set_ebirdst_access_key("2gmivfp8e7pb", overwrite = TRUE)

Downloading range data takes a long time. I will disable running the download process in the code chunk below and already have them downloaded in data/ebird/.

# eval: false
# find a list of species that are in the ebirdst data base
list_of_species = birds_life_history_IUCN_bbs_birdcall |>
  inner_join(ebirdst::ebirdst_runs |>
            by = "scientific_name") |>

for (i in 1:length(list_of_species)) {
  ebirdst_download_status(species = list_of_species[i], 
                          # save data to data/ebrid
                          path = here("data", "ebrid"),
                          # only download data with smooth_9km resolution
                          pattern = "smooth_9km",
                          # skip abundance data for today - it's brilliant data!
                          download_abundance = FALSE,
                          # download range data only
                          download_ranges = TRUE)

Now, we have the range data downloaded. Let’s read them in and take a look at an example of the range data.

# read in the range data using {sf}
range_data_dir = list.files(here("data", "ebrid", "2022"), 
                                full.names = TRUE) |>
  paste0("/ranges") |>
  list.files(full.names = TRUE)
range_data = lapply(range_data_dir, function(x){
}) |>
  # name the range data with species code
  `names<-`(list.files(here("data", "ebrid", "2022"), 
                       full.names = FALSE))

# an example of range data
Simple feature collection with 4 features and 8 fields
Geometry type: MULTIPOLYGON
Dimension:     XY
Bounding box:  xmin: -157.9416 ymin: 24.87191 xmax: -52.5153 ymax: 64.55559
Geodetic CRS:  WGS 84
# A tibble: 4 × 9
  species_code scientific_name       common_name   prediction_year type  season 
  <chr>        <chr>                 <chr>                   <int> <chr> <chr>  
1 amecro       Corvus brachyrhynchos American Crow            2022 range breedi…
2 amecro       Corvus brachyrhynchos American Crow            2022 range nonbre…
3 amecro       Corvus brachyrhynchos American Crow            2022 range postbr…
4 amecro       Corvus brachyrhynchos American Crow            2022 range prebre…
# ℹ 3 more variables: start_date <date>, end_date <date>,
#   geom <MULTIPOLYGON [°]>
# append species code to the main table
birds_life_history_IUCN_bbs_birdcall_range = birds_life_history_IUCN_bbs_birdcall |>
  left_join(ebirdst::ebirdst_runs |>
              select(species_code, scientific_name), 
            by = "scientific_name") 

# download world country polygon data from natural earth in sf format
world_country = ne_countries(returnclass = "sf") 

Functions create table add-ons

To create table add-ons, such as maps, sound players, and linked images for each row (i.e. species) in the table, I created functions that can be used in the table creation process.

Insert range map

# function that inserts range map --------------------------------------------------------------

fcn_range_map = function(species_code){
  if( | species_code %in% names(range_data) == FALSE){
  # because ggplot_image() will be used to render the plot in gt table, we need to also create a ggplot object when range data is not available
    ggplot() +
      geom_text(aes(x = 0, y = 0),
                label = "Range map is not available",
                family = "sans",
                color = "grey20",
                size = 7.5) +
  } else {
    range = range_data[[species_code]]
    world_country_crs = world_country |> 
    # transform world_country polygon to the same crs as range data
    sf::st_transform(crs = terra::crs(range))
    ggplot() +
      geom_sf(data = world_country_crs,
              fill = "grey93",
              color = "white") +
      geom_sf(data = range ,
              fill = "#1B8E29",
              color = "#1B8E29",
              alpha = 1)  +
      geom_sf(data = world_country_crs,
              color = "grey96",
              alpha = 0) +
      theme_minimal() +
      # narrow down view to only countries following under the species range
      coord_sf(xlim = c(st_bbox(range)['xmin'], st_bbox(range)['xmax']),
               ylim = c(st_bbox(range)['ymin'], st_bbox(range)['ymax'])) +
      theme(legend.position = "none",
            panel.background = element_rect(fill = "skyblue4"),
            panel.grid.major = element_line(color = "skyblue3", 
                                            size = 0.13)

# this is an example of what to expect from the function ------------------------------
fcn_range_map(species_code = names(range_data)[4]) # test the function

Insert sound player for bird call

One trick to embed audio in a shiny app is to use the tags$audio function from the {shiny} package. In fact, shiny::tags$ is a very handy helper to create html tags in R. You can use it to create combinations of html tags to include in gt table. For similar species, I combined species name (tags$p), image (tags$image), and external link (tags$a) to the species page in one cell. You can simply use as.character() |> gt::html() to convert the html tags to a character string that can be rendered as html in gt table.

# function that embeds bird call audio
fcn_sound_player = function(url){
    # message when bird call is not available
    return("Audio is not available")
  if(stringr::str_detect(stringr::str_to_lower(url), ".mp3")){
    audio_type = "audio/mp3"
  } else if(stringr::str_detect(stringr::str_to_lower(url), ".wav")){
    audio_type = "audio/wav"
  } else {
    return("Audio file type is not supported")
  require(shiny, quietly = T)
  tags$audio(src = url,
             type = audio_type,
             controls = TRUE) |>
    as.character() |>
# function that embeds text, image with external link
fcn_linked_image_embed = function(url, 
                           width = "200px"){
  require(shiny, quietly = T)
  embed_image = tags$image(src = url,
             width = width) 
  add_link = tags$a(href = go_to_url, 
         # add line break
         add_link) |>
    as.character() |>

# function that embeds image and text
fcn_text_image_embed = function(url, 
                                width = "200px"){
  require(shiny, quietly = T)
  embed_image = tags$image(src = url,
             width = width) 
         # add line break
         embed_image) |>
    as.character() |>

Properly format diet and habitat data

For diet and habitat data, I hope to present them as an item list by bird species where each item starts with a representative emoji. I created a function that can properly format the the two fields using the html trick as well. It will return visuals in each vell like the example below:

🌲 Forest

🏖 Coastal

🐦 Bird

🦎 Reptile

fcn_emoji_list = function(df, label_var) {
  df1 = df |>
    mutate(label_fmt = str_to_sentence({{label_var}}) |>
             # add a comma "," after each item. It will be used to separate out each item in a new line by replacing it with "</p><p>"
             paste0(",")) |>
    # append emoji to the front
    mutate(emoji_with_label = paste0(emoji, " ", label_fmt))
  df_out = aggregate(
    # aggregate diet or habitat items for each bird species
    emoji_with_label ~ common_name,
    data = df1,
    FUN = paste,
    collapse = ""
  ) |>
    rowwise() |>
    # mutate(emoji_with_label = str_replace(emoji_with_label, ",$", "")) |>
      emoji_with_label = str_replace_all(emoji_with_label, ",", "</p><p>"),
      emoji_with_label = paste0("<p>", emoji_with_label, "</p>")

# apply the function to both habitat and diet data 
habitat_emoji_comb = fcn_emoji_list(habitat_emoji, label_var = habitat) |>
  rename(habitat_emoji_with_label = emoji_with_label)
diet_emoji_comb = fcn_emoji_list(diet_emoji, label_var = diet) |>
  rename(diet_emoji_with_label = emoji_with_label)

# A tibble: 6 × 2
# Rowwise: 
  common_name         habitat_emoji_with_label                                  
  <chr>               <chr>                                                     
1 Acorn Woodpecker    <p>🌲 Forest</p><p>🌳 Rainforest</p><p></p>               
2 American Black Duck <p>🌊 Lakes</p><p>🌊 Rivers</p><p>🏖 Coastal</p><p></p>    
3 American Crow       <p>🌲 Forest</p><p>🌿 Grassland</p><p>🏖 Coastal</p><p>🏙 U…
4 American Kestrel    <p>🏜 Desert</p><p>🌿 Grassland</p><p>🌲 Chaparral</p><p>… 
5 American Robin      <p>🌲 Forest</p><p>🌳 Scrub forest</p><p>🏙 Urban</p><p>🌾…
6 American Wigeon     <p>🌊 Lakes</p><p>🌊 Rivers</p><p>🌊 Marsh</p><p>🌊 Estua…

Build the table

Now we have everything to build the table of birds using {gt}.

First, let’s combine everything into a `bird_final` data.


birds_final = birds_life_history_IUCN_bbs_birdcall_range |>
  arrange(scientific_name) |>
  # join in images and urls that were manually collected
            by = c("common_name")) |>
  # join in breeding bird survey data
            by = c("aou" = "aou")) |>
  # join in diet data
            by = "common_name") |>
  mutate(diet_emoji_with_label = ifelse(, 
                                        "<p>Diet data is not available</p>", 
                                        diet_emoji_with_label)) |>
  # join in habitat data
            by = "common_name") |>
  mutate(habitat_emoji_with_label = ifelse(, 
                                           "<p>Habitat data is not available</p>", 
                                           habitat_emoji_with_label)) |>
  # select columns to show at order that looks good to me
    bird_call = identifier,
  ) |>
  # make iucn_red_list a factor. This will be helpful for coloring
  mutate(iucn_red_list = factor(iucn_red_list,
                                levels = c("Least Concern",
                                           "Near Threatened",
                                           "Critically Endangered",
                                           "Extinct in the Wild",
                                           "Extinct"))) |>
  rowwise() |>
    # create the display of the species: a combination of common name and image
    image = pmap(
      .l = list(url = image |> as.list(), 
                text = common_name |> as.list()),
      .f = fcn_text_image_embed, 
      width = "200px" # set width of the image
    # create the display of similar species: a combination of common data, image, and external link
    similar_species_combined = pmap(
      .l = list(
        url = similar_species_image |> as.list(),
        go_to_url = similar_species_link |> as.list(),
        text = similar_species |> as.list()
      .f = fcn_linked_image_embed,
      width = "200px" # set width of the image
    # create the sound player embed of bird call
    bird_call = map(bird_call, 
                    .f = fcn_sound_player)
  ) |>
  # remove columns already included in above displays

Let’s turn the data into a gt table and format cells with colors, sparklines, themes, etc..

bird_gt = birds_final |>
  gt() |>
  # color iucn red list column
    columns = iucn_red_list,
    method = "factor",
    ordered = TRUE, # use the factor level orders of iucn_red_list
    palette = "RdYlGn",
    reverse = TRUE # reverse the order of color palette
  ) |>
  # format diet column
  text_transform(fn = function(x) map(birds_final$diet_emoji_with_label, gt::html),
                 locations = cells_body(columns = diet_emoji_with_label)) |>
  # format habitat column
  text_transform(fn = function(x) map(birds_final$habitat_emoji_with_label, gt::html),
                 locations = cells_body(columns = habitat_emoji_with_label)) |>
  # use sparkline to visualize the trend of survey observation
    column = num_observation_trend,
    type = "ref_last",
    palette = c("#56290C", # sparkline color,
                "black", # final value color
                "#FB260C", # range color low,
                "#1B8E29", # range color high,
                "grey"), # 'type' color (eg shading or reference lines)
    fig_dim = c(25, 65),
    same_limit = FALSE
  ) |>
  # embed range map
    locations = cells_body(columns = species_code),
    fn = function(x) {
      map(birds_final$species_code, fcn_range_map) |>
        ggplot_image(height = px(250))
  ) |>
  cols_label(iucn_red_list = "IUCN",
             image = "Common Name",
             birth_or_hatching_weight_g = "Hatching Weight (g)",
             adult_body_mass_g = "Adult Body Mass (g)",
             litter_or_clutch_size_n = "Clutch Size",
             litters_or_clutches_per_y = "Clutches per Year",
             fledging_age_d = "Fledging Age (days)",
             male_maturity_d = "Male Maturity (days)",
             female_maturity_d = "Female Maturity (days)",
             maximum_longevity_y = "Maximum Longevity (years)",
             adult_svl_cm = "Adult Snout-Vent Length (cm)",
             diet_emoji_with_label = "Common Diet",
             habitat_emoji_with_label = "Representative Habitat",
             num_observation_trend = "Observations in North America Since 2000",
             species_code = "Global Range Map",
             bird_call = "Bird Call",
             similar_species_combined = "Similar Species 🔗"
             ) |>
  # remove trailing zeros of all life history numeric data
    columns = c(
    drop_trailing_zeros = TRUE
    ) |>
  # color life history numeric data for easier comparison
    columns = c(
    method = "numeric",
    palette = "Blues"
  ) |>
  # add table titles, spanners to groups columns and footnotes
  tab_header(title = "Table of Birds 🐦",
             subtitle = "Learn birds life history and ecological features while enjoying beautiful images and bird calls! ") |>
    label = "BIRD",
    columns = c(
  ) |>
    label = "LIFE HISTORY",
    id = "life_history",
    columns = c(
  ) |>
      label = "ECOLOGICAL FEATURES",
    columns = c(
  ) |>
    label = "SIMILAR SPECIES",
    columns = c(
  ) |>
  # add data sources in footnote
    footnote = "Data gathered from USGS Breeding Bird Survey.",
    locations = cells_column_labels(columns = num_observation_trend)
  ) |>
    footnote = "Range data with 9km resolution downloaded from eBird.",
    locations = cells_column_labels(columns = species_code)
  ) |>
    footnote = "Images from valuable contributors to iNaturalist and All About Birds.",
    locations = cells_column_labels(columns = c(image, similar_species_combined))
  ) |>
    footnote = "IUCN data was downloaded from GBIF.",
    locations = cells_column_labels(columns = iucn_red_list)
  ) |>
    footnote = "Life history data from database created by Myhrvold et al. 2015.",
    locations = cells_column_spanners(spanners = "life_history")
  ) |>
    footnote = "Diet data download from R package {aviandietdb}.",
    locations = cells_column_labels(columns = diet_emoji_with_label)
  ) |>
    footnote = "Bird call data was collected from Xeno-canto and downloaded from GBIF.",
    locations = cells_column_labels(columns = bird_call)
  ) |>
    footnote = "Birds habitat data collected from Animal Biodiversity Web and All About Birds.",
    locations = cells_column_labels(columns = habitat_emoji_with_label)
  ) |>
  tab_options(footnotes.multiline = FALSE) |>
  # use 538 theme
  gt_theme_538() |>
  # fix table header using method from this issue:
  tab_options(column_labels.background.color = "white") |>
  tab_options(container.height = px(1200),
              container.padding.y = px(0)) |>
    style = css(
      position = "sticky",
      top = px(-1),
      zIndex = 100
    locations = list(

Table of Birds 🐦
Learn birds life history and ecological features while enjoying beautiful images and bird calls!
IUCN2 Common Name3 Hatching Weight (g) Adult Body Mass (g) Clutch Size Clutches per Year Fledging Age (days) Male Maturity (days) Female Maturity (days) Maximum Longevity (years) Adult Snout-Vent Length (cm) Common Diet4 Representative Habitat5 Observations in North America Since 20006 Global Range Map7 Bird Call8 Similar Species 🔗3
Least Concern

Cooper's Hawk

28 452 4.35 1 32 730 730 20.33 42

🐦 Bird

🐀 Mammal

🦎 Reptile

🕷 Spider

🦀 Crustacean

🌲 Forest

🌿 Grassland

🌲 Chaparral

🌊 Riparian

🏙 Suburban


Sharp-shinned Hawk

Least Concern

Northern Goshawk

37 988.75 3.5 1 41.65 730 636.84 22 54.5

🐦 Bird

🐀 Mammal

🐸 Amphibian

🌲 Taiga

🌿 Grassland

🌲 Forest

⛰ Mountains

🌲 Chaparral


Broad-winged Hawk

Least Concern

Boreal Owl

8.4 131.5 5.14 1 31.7 365 364.23 15.9 21

🐀 Mammal

🐦 Bird

🪲 Insect

🌲 Taiga

🌲 Forest


Northern Saw-whet Owl

Least Concern

Wood Duck

23.85 657.5 11.8 1.5 61.5 365 365 22.5 47

Diet data is not available

🌊 Lakes

🌊 Rivers

🌊 Marsh

🌾 Agricultural

🌊 Riparian


Madarin Duck

Least Concern

Egyptian Goose

54 1,900 8.48 1 72.5 730 730 25.5 72

Diet data is not available

🌊 Lakes

🌊 Rivers

🌊 Marsh

🌊 Riparian

🌾 Agricultural


Common Shelduck

Least Concern

Northern Pintail

28 872.25 7.7 1 45 240 240 27.42 57.5

Diet data is not available

🌊 Lakes

🌊 Rivers

🌊 Marsh

🌾 Agricultural

🌊 Riparian


Eurasian Wigeon

Least Concern

American Wigeon

24 786 8.5 1 48.25 365 364.23 21.33 50.5

Diet data is not available

🌊 Lakes

🌊 Rivers

🌊 Marsh

🌊 Estuarine

🌾 Agricultural

523.0 Audio is not available

Green-winged Teal

Least Concern

Northern Shoveler

24 613 10 1 44.75 240 240 22.34 49.5

Diet data is not available

🌊 Lakes

🌿 Grassland

🌲 Forest

1.1K Audio is not available

Blue-winged Teal

Least Concern

Cinnamon Teal

18.2 383 10 1.25 49 365 364.23 12.92 41.5

Diet data is not available

🌊 Lakes

🌊 Marsh

🌊 Riparian

129.0 Audio is not available

Ruddy Duck

Least Concern

Mottled Duck

32.8 1,082 10 1 55.5 365 365 29.1 57.5

Diet data is not available

🌊 Lakes

🌊 Rivers

🌊 Marsh

🌊 Estuarine

🏖 Coastal



Least Concern

Eurasian Wigeon

23.5 757 9 1 42.5 365 365 35.17 48

Diet data is not available

🌊 Lakes

🌊 Rivers

🌊 Swamp

🌊 Estuarine

🌊 Riparian

🏖 Coastal

1.0 Audio is not available

American Wigeon

Least Concern


30.7 1,121 10.52 1 55.5 365 365 29.1 57.5

Diet data is not available

🌊 Lakes

🌊 Rivers

🏖 Coastal

🌿 Grassland

🌲 Forest

🌲 Taiga


Northern Shoveler

Least Concern

American Black Duck

32 1,153.67 9.5 1 56 365 365 29.1 57.25

Diet data is not available

🌊 Lakes

🌊 Rivers

🏖 Coastal



Least Concern


34.05 850 10 1 49.5 240 240 28 52

Diet data is not available

🏔 Tundra

🌲 Taiga

🌊 Marsh

1.8K Audio is not available

Green-winged Teal

Least Concern

Golden Eagle

104.05 4,383 2 1 74.5 1,460 1,460 48 78

🐀 Mammal

🐦 Bird

🦎 Reptile

🐟 Fish

🪲 Insect

🏔 Tundra

🌿 Grassland

⛰ Mountains

🌲 Forest

🌊 Marsh

🏙 Suburban

🌾 Agricultural

🌊 Estuarine


Bald Eagle

Least Concern

Great Blue Heron

50 2,388.67 4 1.5 60 669 669 24.5 97

Diet data is not available

🌊 Lakes

🌊 Rivers

🏖 Coastal

🌊 Marsh

🌊 Riparian

🌊 Swamp


Tricolored Heron

Least Concern

Lesser Scaup

30.8 788.5 9.96 1 48 365 455.1 18.8 43

🐚 Scallop

🪲 Insect

🐌 Snail

🦀 Crustacean

🌿 Plant

🪱 Worm

🕷 Spider

🌊 Lakes

🌊 Rivers

🌊 Marsh

🌊 Estuarine

🌿 Grassland


Greater Scaup

Least Concern


37.6 1,056.25 9.3 1 64.75 365 365 22.6 48

Diet data is not available

🌊 Lakes

🌊 Marsh


Little Grebe

Least Concern

Tufted Duck

34.1 701.5 9.6 1 47.5 365 365 45.25 43.5

Diet data is not available

🌊 Lakes

🌊 Rivers

🌊 Marsh

🌊 Estuarine

🌿 Grassland

🏖 Coastal

Greater Scaup

Least Concern

Greater Scaup

44.9 959 9.4 1 42.75 365 455.1 22.1 45.5

Diet data is not available

🌊 Lakes

🏔 Tundra

🏖 Coastal


Lesser Scaup

Least Concern


44.7 1,218.67 9 1 66 240 301.73 29.5 54.5

Diet data is not available

🌊 Lakes

🌊 Rivers

🏖 Coastal

🌊 Marsh

🌊 Estuarine



Least Concern

Canada Goose

102 3,984.5 5.15 1 50.75 730 730 42 82.5

Diet data is not available

🌊 Lakes

🌊 Rivers

🌊 Marsh

🏙 Urban

🌊 Estuarine

🌊 Riparian

🌲 Forest

🌿 Grassland


Cackling Goose

Least Concern

Cackling Goose

102 3,661.67 5.15 1 50.75 730 730 42 82.5

Diet data is not available

🌊 Lakes

🏔 Tundra


Canada Goose


Snowy Owl

44.25 1,954 6 1 47.7 730 728.47 28 59.5

🐀 Mammal

🐦 Bird

🏔 Tundra

🏜 Desert

🌿 Grassland

🌊 Marsh

🏙 Urban

🌾 Agricultural


Barn Owl

Least Concern

Great Horned Owl

34.7 1,377.25 2.5 1 68.25 730 730 29 48

🐀 Mammal

🐦 Bird

🪲 Insect

🕷 Spider

🦎 Reptile

🦀 Crustacean

🐸 Amphibian

🐟 Fish

🐛 Centipede

🐌 Snail

🏜 Desert

🌿 Grassland

🌲 Forest

⛰ Mountains

🌊 Marsh

🏙 Urban

🌾 Agricultural

🌊 Riparian


Barred Owl

Least Concern


23.8 400 8.4 1 52.5 730 728.47 18.7 36.5

Diet data is not available

🌊 Lakes

🌊 Rivers

🏖 Coastal

🌊 Marsh

🌾 Agricultural

🌊 Riparian

🌊 Estuarine


Hooded Merganser

Least Concern

Common Goldeneye

36.3 895.93 9.5 1 61.25 730 730 18.42 46

Diet data is not available

🌊 Lakes

🌊 Rivers

🏖 Coastal

🌊 Estuarine


Barrow's Goldeneye

Least Concern

Barrow's Goldeneye

37.5 978.58 9.5 1 56 730 728.47 18 47.5

Diet data is not available

🌊 Lakes

🌊 Rivers

🏖 Coastal

🌊 Estuarine

🌲 Forest


Common Goldeneye

Least Concern

Ferruginous Hawk

51.6 1,469.5 3.75 1 46 730 730 23.7 58

🐀 Mammal

🐦 Bird

🪲 Insect

🦎 Reptile

🐸 Amphibian

🏜 Desert

🌿 Grassland

🌲 Chaparral


Rough-legged Hawk

Least Concern

Swainson's Hawk

39.4 969.57 2.5 1 43 730 730 24.08 49

🐀 Mammal

🐦 Bird

🦎 Reptile

🪲 Insect

🐸 Amphibian

🏜 Desert

🌿 Grassland

🌲 Chaparral


Red-tailed Hawk

Least Concern

California Quail

6.12 171.5 14 1 10 274 318.73 9.6 25

🌿 Plant

🪲 Insect

🌲 Forest

🌿 Grassland

🌲 Chaparral

🌳 Scrub forest

🌊 Riparian

🏙 Suburban


Gambel's Quail


Bicknell's Thrush

1.7 29.65 4 1 12 365 365 11.92 18

Diet data is not available

🌲 Forest


Gray-cheeked Thrush

Least Concern

Hermit Thrush

4.12 30.55 3.66 2 12.5 365 364.23 10.83 17

🪲 Insect

🌲 Forest

🌳 Scrub forest


Swainson's Thrush

Least Concern

Swainson's Thrush

3.9 30.07 3.65 1 12 365 365 12.08 18

🪲 Insect

🌿 Plant

🐛 Millipede

🐌 Snail

🕷 Spider

🏜 Desert

🌲 Forest

🌳 Scrub forest

🌳 Rainforest

🌊 Riparian




Chimney Swift

1.25 23.5 4.5 1 30 365 365 15 13

Diet data is not available

🌲 Forest

🌳 Rainforest

⛰ Mountains

🌊 Riparian

🌾 Agricultural

🏙 Suburban


Vaux's Swift

Least Concern

Vaux's Swift

1.5 18.23 4 1 27.5 365 365.12 5.1 12.75

🪲 Insect

🌲 Forest

🌲 Taiga

🌳 Scrub forest


Black Swift

Least Concern

Snow Goose

87.5 2,630.75 4.2 1 43.5 730 730.5 27.5 75

Diet data is not available

🏔 Tundra

🌿 Grassland

🌊 Marsh

🌾 Agricultural

🌊 Estuarine

6.0 Audio is not available

Ross's Goose

Near Threatened

Emperor Goose

81.8 2,718 4.95 1 55 365 727.7 12 77.5

Diet data is not available

🌊 Marsh

🏔 Tundra

🌊 Riparian

🏖 Coastal

1.0 Audio is not available

Snow Goose

Least Concern

Ross's Goose

65.1 1,597.5 4 1 41 570 739.34 22.5 59.5

Diet data is not available

🌊 Lakes

🌊 Rivers

🌊 Marsh

🏔 Tundra

🌿 Grassland

🌾 Agricultural

6.0 Audio is not available

Snow Goose

Least Concern

Northern Harrier

21.8 436.5 4.5 1 36.25 365 584.4 17.1 45.75

🐀 Mammal

🐦 Bird

🪲 Insect

🦎 Reptile

🐸 Amphibian

🕷 Spider

🌊 Marsh

🌿 Grassland

🌲 Chaparral

🌊 Riparian

🌾 Agricultural


American Goshawk

Near Threatened

Northern Bobwhite

7 173.33 13 1.5 14 365 364.23 6.42 22.5

Diet data is not available

🌿 Grassland

🌲 Forest

🌾 Agricultural

🌳 Scrub forest


Scaled Quail

Near Threatened

Black Vulture

70 2,080.5 2 1 75 2,920 2,921 25.5 65

🐀 Mammal

🐦 Bird

🏜 Desert

🌿 Grassland

🌲 Chaparral

🌳 Scrub forest

🌊 Swamp

🏙 Urban

🌾 Agricultural


Turkey Vulture

Least Concern

American Crow

15.6 453 4.59 1 30.15 730 730 20 44

Diet data is not available

🌲 Forest

🌿 Grassland

🏖 Coastal

🏙 Urban

🌾 Agricultural

🌊 Estuarine

🌊 Riparian


Common Raven

Least Concern

Blue Jay

5.5 85.25 4.34 1 19 365 455.1 26.2 27

Diet data is not available

🌲 Forest


California Scrub-Jay

Least Concern

Trumpeter Swan

214 10,300 5.2 1 98.5 1,095 1,091.94 32.5 158.75

🌿 Plant

🌿 Fern

🌊 Lakes

🌊 Rivers

🌊 Marsh

🌊 Estuarine

🏖 Coastal


Tundra Swan

Least Concern

Tundra Swan

181.25 6,350 4 1 60.25 730 1,001.07 24.1 135

🌿 Plant

🦠 Cyanobacteria

🌊 Lakes

🌊 Rivers

🌊 Marsh

🌊 Estuarine

🏖 Coastal


Trumpeter Swan

Least Concern

Mute Swan

221.5 10,230 5.95 1 135 1,095 1,183.57 70 142.5

Diet data is not available

🌊 Lakes

🌊 Rivers

🌊 Marsh

🏖 Coastal


Tundra Swan

Least Concern

Sooty Grouse

22.6 1,059 7.1 1 10 365 455.1 14 46

Diet data is not available

🌲 Forest

⛰ Mountains


Dusky Grouse

Least Concern

Dusky Grouse

22.6 1,059 7.1 1 10 365 455.1 14 46

Diet data is not available

🌲 Forest

⛰ Mountains


Spruce Grouse

Least Concern


13 187.57 4.5 1 30 365 545.2 16 28

🐦 Bird

🐀 Mammal

🦎 Reptile

🏜 Desert

🌿 Grassland

🌲 Chaparral

🌲 Taiga

🏖 Coastal

🌊 Marsh


American Kestrel

Least Concern

Prairie Falcon

30.6 754.5 4.25 1 38.5 365 545.97 20 42

🐦 Bird

🐀 Mammal

🪲 Insect

🦎 Reptile

🕷 Spider

🐸 Amphibian

🏜 Desert

🌿 Grassland

🌲 Chaparral

⛰ Mountains

🌾 Agricultural


Peregrine Falcon

Least Concern

Peregrine Falcon

35.5 827.25 3.5 1 39 365 726.94 25 43

🐦 Bird

🐀 Mammal

🏔 Tundra

🌲 Taiga

🏜 Desert

🌿 Grassland

🌲 Forest

⛰ Mountains

🏙 Urban

🌲 Chaparral


Prairie Falcon

Least Concern


52.08 1,415.75 3.61 1 47.75 730 728.47 13.5 56.5

🐦 Bird

🐀 Mammal

🏔 Tundra


Prairie Falcon

Least Concern

American Kestrel

9 115.5 4.6 1.25 30 365 365 17 24

🐀 Mammal

🪲 Insect

🐦 Bird

🦎 Reptile

🐸 Amphibian

🕷 Spider

🐛 Centipede

🪱 Worm

🏜 Desert

🌿 Grassland

🌲 Chaparral

🌲 Forest

⛰ Mountains

🏙 Urban

🌾 Agricultural



Critically Endangered

California Condor

185.3 8,800 1 1 192.5 2,190 2,185.4 45 118

Diet data is not available

🏜 Desert

🌲 Chaparral

3.0 Audio is not available

Turkey Vulture


Pinyon Jay

6.26 105 3.82 1 21 365 545.2 14.58 26.5

🪲 Insect

🌲 Conifer

🕷 Spider

🌿 Plant

🦎 Reptile

🌲 Forest


Mexican Jay

Least Concern

Harlequin Duck

31.45 561.25 5.9 1 40 365 545.97 14.6 44.5

Diet data is not available

🏔 Tundra

🌊 Rivers

🏖 Coastal

🌊 Riparian

🌲 Forest


Long-tailed Duck

Least Concern

Wood Thrush

4.2 48.65 3.5 2 12.25 365 365.12 10.17 20.5

🪲 Insect

🐌 Snail

🕷 Spider

🌲 Forest



Least Concern

Mississippi Kite

17 281 2 1 34 365 365 11.2 34

🪲 Insect

🐸 Amphibian

🐀 Mammal

🦎 Reptile

🌲 Forest

🌿 Grassland

🌾 Agricultural

🌊 Riparian

🏙 Suburban


White-tailed Kite

Least Concern

Acorn Woodpecker

4.7 79.05 4.9 2 31 766 694 17.25 23

🪲 Insect

🕷 Spider

🌲 Forest

🌳 Rainforest


White-headed Woodpecker

Near Threatened

Black Scoter

44.1 1,052.2 8.5 1 45.75 730 819.34 17.92 48.5

Diet data is not available

🌊 Lakes

🏖 Coastal


Surf Scoter

Least Concern

Wild Turkey

42.25 5,811 11 1 14 365 304 13 85.5

🌿 Plant

🌲 Conifer

🌿 Moss

🌊 Marsh

🌲 Forest

🌾 Agricultural

🌊 Riparian


Ruffed Grouse

Least Concern

Wood Stork

62 2,500 3.02 1 53.75 1,460 1,460 27 95.25

🐟 Fish

🐸 Amphibian

🦀 Crustacean

🌊 Marsh

🌊 Estuarine

🌊 Swamp


White Ibis

Least Concern

Monk Parakeet

4.76 108.63 6 2 42 730 730 22.1 33

Diet data is not available

🌿 Grassland

🌳 Scrub forest


White-winged Parakeet

Least Concern

Clark's Nutcracker

7.1 130 3 1 22 365 365 17.42 31

Diet data is not available

🌲 Forest

⛰ Mountains

🌲 Taiga


Canada Jay

Least Concern

Ruddy Duck

44 550 8 1 55.75 365 365 13.6 38.1

Diet data is not available

🌊 Lakes

🌊 Marsh

🌊 Estuarine

🏖 Coastal



Least Concern

Indian Peafowl

120 4,093.75 5 1 14 730.25 730 25 95

Diet data is not available

🌿 Grassland

🌲 Forest

🌳 Rainforest

🏙 Urban

⛰ Mountains


Spalding Peafowl

Least Concern

Downy Woodpecker

1.67 27.5 4.8 1.25 21.75 365 365 11.92 16

🪲 Insect

🌿 Plant

🕷 Spider

🌲 Forest

⛰ Mountains

🏙 Urban

🌊 Riparian

🌾 Agricultural

4.9K Audio is not available

Hairy Woodpecker

Least Concern

Roseate Spoonbill

50 1,500 3 1 52.5 1,095 1,095 28 75

Diet data is not available

🌊 Marsh


American Flamingo

Least Concern

Glossy Ibis

23.85 633.75 3.5 1 42 1,095 1,095 26.8 52

🪲 Insect

🦀 Crustacean

🦎 Reptile

🕷 Spider

🪱 Worm

🐌 Snail

🐸 Amphibian

🐚 Scallop

🌊 Marsh

🌊 Lakes

🌾 Agricultural

🏖 Coastal


White-faced Ibis


Steller's Eider

42.5 842 7 1 50 730 819.34 23 45.5

Diet data is not available

🏖 Coastal

🏔 Tundra

🌊 Lakes


Long-tailed Duck

Least Concern

Snail Kite

29.3 382.58 3 1.5 30 365 657.45 17 43.5

Diet data is not available

🌊 Marsh


Hook-billed Kite

Near Threatened

Common Eider

72.7 2,092 4.15 1 58 730 730 37.8 60.5

Diet data is not available

🏔 Tundra

🏖 Coastal


Spectacled Eider

Least Concern

King Eider

42.8 1,650 4.7 1 30 730 819.34 18.92 53

Diet data is not available

🌊 Lakes

🏔 Tundra

🏖 Coastal

🌊 Estuarine


Spectacled Eider

Least Concern

American Robin

5.5 78.78 3.43 2.5 14.3 365 364.23 17 26.5

🪲 Insect

🌿 Plant

🕷 Spider

🌲 Conifer

🌲 Forest

🌳 Scrub forest

🏙 Urban

🌾 Agricultural

🌊 Riparian


Spotted Towhee

1 Life history data from database created by Myhrvold et al. 2015. 2 IUCN data was downloaded from GBIF. 3 Images from valuable contributors to iNaturalist and All About Birds. 4 Diet data download from R package {aviandietdb}. 5 Birds habitat data collected from Animal Biodiversity Web and All About Birds. 6 Data gathered from USGS Breeding Bird Survey. 7 Range data with 9km resolution downloaded from eBird. 8 Bird call data was collected from Xeno-canto and downloaded from GBIF.

Things I couldn’t get work

There are a couple of features that I tried to implement but couldn’t get them work. For example, I couldn’t customize column widths with gt::cols_width function. I also was not able to use gt::opt_interactive to add filtering, sorting, searching, pagination features to the table. Any advice on how to make them work would be greatly appreciated 🥰!


All the wonderful photographers that shared their bird photos on iNaturalist and All About Birds 💗.

GitHub Copilot in R Studio: contributions to document narrative, code completion and comments.

ChatGPT: contributions to data transformation, emoji suggestions, filling in domain knowledge gap, and code help.


Hurlbert, AH, AM Olsen, MM Sawyer, and PM Winner. 2021. The Avian Diet Database as a quantitative source of information on avian diets. Scientific Data 8:260.

IUCN (2022). The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Version 2022-2. Downloaded on 2023-05-09. accessed via on 2023-11-17. accessed via on 2024-05-17.

Matthew Strimas-Mackey, Shawn Ligocki, Tom Auer, Daniel Fink (2023). ebirdst: Access and Analyze eBird Status and Trends Data Products. R package version 3.2022.0.

Myhrvold, N.P., Baldridge, E., Chan, B., Sivam, D., Freeman, D.L., Ernest, S.K.M., 2015. An amniote life-history database to perform comparative analyses with birds, mammals, and reptiles. Ecology 96, 3109–3109.

Vellinga W (2024). Xeno-canto - Bird sounds from around the world. Xeno-canto Foundation for Nature Sounds. Occurrence dataset accessed via on 2024-05-23.

Ziolkowski, D.J., Lutmerding, M., English, W.B., Aponte, V.I., and Hudson, M-A.R., 2023, North American Breeding Bird Survey Dataset 1966 - 2022: U.S. Geological Survey data release,